"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Post-Transfer Day #3, January 31, 2010
Dexamethasone tablet (1 tablet in the AM)
Folic Acid supplement
Prenatal Vitamin
E2V Progesterone Suppository (1 before bedtime)
Progesterone injection (50 mg in the PM)

Back to work tomorrow. I'm not going to know how to behave. I've spent more time asleep this weekend than awake. It's been great.

Keith and I have been wondering when I'll start showing signs of being pregnant, if in fact, I'm pregnant. Yesterday afternoon, I spent some time googling the subject. Some of what I discovered was encouraging, especially considering some of the twinges I've been feeling. Here is some of what I found.

  • Most women do not experience any symptoms of pregnancy until two weeks after ovulation (in my case, this would be around the time of my second blood test on February 10.)
  • Some symptoms experienced by women prior to POSITIVE blood tests after IVF: cramping, pelvic twinges, breast tenderness, spotting, and fatigue. These symptoms, however, are also side effects of the progesterone injections.
  • Implantation can occur between six and ten days after ovulation (which for me would be between Friday and Tuesday.)
  • There is no way to predict success based on a missed period. From everything I read, women's cycles are completely off schedule after the hormone injections.

I found an interesting fact regarding assisted hatching, which is what was done to our embryo to help it along because the outer layer (zona pellucida) surrounding our embryo was slightly thicker than normal. Assisted hatching can increase the likelihood of identical twins.

I have a fullness in my lower stomach tonight....not as many twinges as yesterday. I could sleep at a moment's notice. Keith's been working the day shift this weekend, so he has been going to bed around 8:00 pm. I've been going to bed at the same time he does and sleeping until at least 8:00 the next morning. I took a two hour nap yesterday and today.

I've been alot more at peace today than yesterday. Something I read on an IVF discussion board I frequent hit home. In regards to a woman's desperate post about the agony of waiting the long ten days for the blood test, a woman posted "we are pregnant until proven otherwise." That's my motto for the next week......I am pregnant until proven otherwise.

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