"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Joy times FIVE...

Day #28, January 21, 2010
Ganirelix injection - THE LAST ONE!
(125 mcg half dose in the AM)
Dexamethasone tablet
(1 tablet in the AM)
Prenatal vitamin
Folic acid supplement
**NEW** HcG INJECTION - TRIGGER SHOT - intramuscular @ 12 AM midnight
NO MORE STIMS - Follistim, Menopur, or E2V Suppository

Well, he said it with a smile on his face. The words we were hoping for....."You are ready for retrieval." On the right ovary, I have three follicles measuring 20, 19, and 16 mm. On the left ovary, I have two small follicles measuring 13 and 11. While these two are considered immature, he will still retrieve them and hope they fertilize. He did not want to push me any further in fear of losing the two large follicles. They could either turn into cysts, or I could ovulate Neither of those would be good scenerios. Dr. Saleh said he feels completely confident that this was the absolute best my body could possibly do, considering the fact I have been taking the maximum dosage of stimulating hormone. He said he is very familiar with far worse cases and proven successful. I am delighted. Yes, there could've been more. I've heard of some women having twenty or more eggs retrieved. But, I am pleased and so very thankful for my five. We trigger tonight at midnight with the HcG injection, which is intramuscular. We had to make a trip to Frisco today to buy one more vial of the HcG because Dr. Saleh decided to up the trigger shot dosage to 15000 units instead of the normal 10000. Apparently, the trigger shot also helps to mature the eggs, and he wants to give them one final nudge. This means the eggs could be even larger by Saturday.

Mom and Mike are driving in tomorrow after Mike's bus route in the morning. I'm excited to see them. I've been missing them and home alot today.

So, what's next? Our appointment Saturday is at 9:30. From what I understand, we'll be there for about three hours. I've chosen to undergo the procedure without anesthesia and instead go in with only morphin and Tylenol. I'm a tough cookie, and I'd rather opt out of the anesthesia than be out another $350 for the use of the hospital OR. Once the eggs have been retrieved, it will be Keith's turn. What a trooper he is! We're free to return home after retrieval. We will get a fertilization report, I believe, three days later (which would be Tuesday.) Hopefully, our eggs will be on their way to becoming embryos by this day and continue growing up to day five, which is next Thursday.

We are no where near finished. We have a long way to go. So much could go right, and so much could go wrong. This crazy road we're on is still winding, and we're still hanging on for dear life praying every step of the way. Our prayers now are for the five follicles to continue doing well, then for all of them to fertilize, and then for them to grow grow grow into sweet little embryos to transfer next Thursday.

Concerning how I feel, ehh. Today has been emotionally draining. I feel like a stuffed toad frog. I've cried alot. I cried after my exam. I cried in IKEA earlier today. I cried during AVATAR tonight. And honestly, I almost cried just now because the chicken sammich I just ate from Burger King was overcooked. As Keith said, as long as they are tears of joy, we're good. And today, they were. Keith has been amazing this week. I look and feel completely unattractive. I can't button my blue jeans, so I've been wearing my gray stretchy pants most of week, which I'm going to launder tomorrow for retrieval day. My stomach is bruised and ugly, not to mention fat and bloated. And yet he still calls me beautiful. I guess that means he loves me. We've had alot of fun this week waiting. Every day we spend together brings us one step closer to that bundle of joy we're so anxious to meet.

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